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What is the structure of the wheel bearing and how to produce it?

What is the structure of the wheel bearing and how to produce it?

Wheeled is the so-called "tires" car "" of rubber parts, it itself is a software, so the tyre inside profile support the barrel of the tire, the center is called wheel is mounted on the shaft parts, due to different language habits, a lot of people for wheel has a different name, such as" wheels ", while a friend in the south, many calls it "tire bell" or "bell", don't when someone says "bell", will misunderstand the "bell" Lin said.

The bearing is the base of the car's transmission parts, and part of the driving device on the car, which is known as the "joint of the automobile industry", used to support the wheel speed.

The automotive bearing is a large part of its bearing industry, with hub bearing, air conditioning fan bearing, pulley bearing, etc. It is divided into high speed motor bearings and low-speed car bearings.

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