Zhejiang Dechuan Automotive Parts Co., Ltd
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What is a car arm?

What is a car arm?

The rocker arm in the car is actually a double arm lever used to change the direction of the push rod, acting on the valve stem to push the valve open. The ratio of the arm length of the rocker arm is called the rocker arm ratio, and the rocker arm ratio is about 1.2~ 1.8. The long arm is used to promote the valve. The working surface of the rocker head is usually made into a cylindrical shape. When the swing arm swing, it can be rolled along the end of the valve rod, so that the force between the two can be applied along the axis of the valve. The rocker arm also has lubricating oil duct and oil hole. In the short arm end threaded hole of the rocker arm, the adjusting screw used to adjust the valve clearance, the head ball of the screw is in contact with the concave socket at the top of the push rod.

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