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Components and structural features of rocker sprayer

Components and structural features of rocker sprayer

Rocker arm nozzle is a typical type of sprinkler head. Today we mainly introduce the parts and structural features of it. (1) rotary sealing mechanism. The commonly used radial seal and end face seal are composed of anti-wear seal ring, rubber gasket (or rubber ring), anti-sand spring and other parts. (2) runner. Water flow through the nozzle channel, including hollow shaft, spray body, nozzle, stabilizer, nozzle and other parts. (3) drive mechanism. It is composed of rocker arm, rocker arm shaft, rocker arm spring, spring seat and other parts. (4) fan reversing mechanism. It consists of commutator, reversing hook, limit ring (pin) and other parts, whose function is to make the nozzle spray within the specified fan range. (5) connector. The rocker arm nozzle is connected with the common thread of water supply pipe. The structural difference between the rocker and other rotary nozzles is the drive mechanism. The rocker arm is driven by the rocker arm mechanism. Under the action of jet flow, the rocker arm rotates around the self-axis, hitting the nozzle or the spray body with a large impact impulse, making the nozzle rotate. The impact driving torque applied in this intermittent period is short in time and large in force, which enables the nozzle to turn the jet stream in a concentrated direction. Therefore, the rocker nozzle has a longer range and higher uniformity. The rocker arm, rocker arm spring and spring seat in the rocker arm mechanism are all set on the rocker arm shaft, which is fixed on the upper part of the nozzle or spray body. The spring end of the rocker arm is inserted into the frame in the middle of the rocker arm and the other end is inserted into the spring seat. Seat face cross trough, several questions of a slot can be embedded in a fixed on the shaft pin, so that rotation can adjust the elasticity of spring, spring seat so as to change the size of the radial Angle. Generally, in order to facilitate the adjustment of water depth and reduce friction resistance, the rocker arm usually adopts suspension structure. The rocker arm has a flow guide at the front, a balance weight at the back, and a rocker arm frame in the middle. The drill arm swings back and forth around the rocker arm axis under the alternating action of jet and spring. The first is to receive the energy from the nozzle jet, drive the nozzle and rotate the nozzle. The second is that the flow guide periodically cuts into the jet and breaks the water column, so that the spray water is evenly distributed.

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